What College Recruiters Look for in High School Students

What College Recruiters Look for in High School Students In 2010, approximately 30 percent of Americans had a college degree. Currently, about 66 percent of all U.S. high school students plan to attend college immediately after graduation. Most teenagers understand an advanced degree is a necessity today. Getting into the top schools has become even more challenging, with many graduates seeking the same spots. Registered college recruiters want the best for their schools, so all hopeful graduates need to know how to make themselves stand out. Keep Grades High The best schools want the best students, and most define "best" as top GPA scores. However, using GPAs to measure student value may not seem fair to students who do well in most classes but lack the overall scores that keep them at the top. Luckily, if a student shows a consistent effort to do well and has other assets, a GPA that only ranks as average or slightly above can still offer many options for them. Excel at So...